Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Reflection on Project 2

In this blog post I will be reflecting on my project 2 by answering questions provided by Writing Public Lives.

Swaminathan, "Reflections" taken on October 20th, 2007 via Flickr Attribution Generic 2.0

1. When revising my essay I really changed up my intro and conclusion, I changed my focus slightly and took the publisher into perspective which led to me revising my intro and conclusion.

2. When I revised my thesis, I focused on addressing the author's argument and the strategies used in the argument. The thesis exercises in class really helped me and I used what I learned about pathos, ethos, logic, authority, and audience to form a strong thesis.

3. What led to these changes was a change in perspective, I looked closer at the publisher (ISTE) and thought about what their purpose was for publishing this article on their website. I viewed them alongside with the two authors.

4. These changes strengthened my credibility because it demonstrated how I could view the significance of all aspects of an article and their purpose and reasoning. It demonstrated that I have good analytical skills.

5. These changes did not change how I addressed the audience. They were already heavily analyzed in my first draft and I maintained that throughout the revision and into the final draft.

6. I utilized what I learned in the "Punctuation" blog posts to correct grammatical and punctuation errors. I made some sentences shorter and combined or broke down certain sentences.

7. These changes will make the essay easier to read which will lead to the reader understanding the essay more since they can read it smoothly.

8. I originally wrote this essay like a QRG, I quickly found out it was written completely different and was written as an essay. After I learned that I had to reconsider the conventions of the project.

9. The process of reflection helps me learn a lot about myself. The identity I learned i have is that I tend to give an essay my all in the first rough draft so that there is less to revise, that being said, I revise and make changes by re reading my piece of work and using help from my classmates peer reviews.

Reflection: I was only able to read the blog post of Grace because no one else has done the reflection yet. Grace really emphasized focusing on her audience in the revision stage. She investigated who her audience was and how she can write her essay in order to appeal to the intended audience the most. She also edited to limit wordiness which was something I also did. 


  1. I think that I tend to do what you do in the first draft and try to do the best that I can so that I don't have to do much later and just so that I don't have my first draft ripped apart. I think you made a really good choice revising it to an essay format and I also think that it is interesting that you took the publisher into consideration.

  2. I also heavily revised my introduction and conclusion like how you said you did in your first answer. I never thought to look at the publisher of the piece and analyze what there angle was; it sounds like a great idea. I also could not relate with how you addressed your audience right off the bat, because I did the opposite by adding in my audience in my final draft.

  3. Your reflection sounds a lot like mine! I also had a lot to change with my intro and conclusion (I think we all did). Also, I like how much you took into consideration the publisher, I kind of just stopped at my author but the fact that you did that means you probably were able to analyze a lot deeper than I was.
