Friday, October 2, 2015

Analyzing Message in "Should we teach computer science in elementary school?"

In this blog post I will be answering the questions about the message and purpose of the "yes" section of the article "Should we teach computer science in elementary school?"  by Pat Yongpradit. 

godserv "Got Purpose?" April 13th, 2010 via Flickr Attribution Generic 2.0

  • A bullet that applied to the article I have been analyzing is "advocate for change". This whole article is persuasive, trying to advocate for teaching computer science in elementary school with the hopes that it will start to implemented in schools. This goes in line with the next applicable bullet point, "persuade readers of something". The author is trying to convince readers that teaching computer science in elementary schools is a good idea. If he is able to persuade them, he would have more people on his side advocating for change. 
  • Bullets that were not as applicable were "reflect on a topic". The author is writing in a very persuasive manner and does not reflect on the issue at hand. He gives his opinion and backs it up. Te author also does not "analyze, synthesize, or interpret" in the article. The author did not do much exploring of the topic, he simply had his opinion and analyzed his opinion and its benefits. 
  • The author does have the issue analyzed in layers. The layers would consist of jobs and better learning skills. These are effects of teaching computer science in school. The children would be progressive learners. After learning problem solving skills through computer science they would be able to solve problems more efficiently. In turn they would have better career opportunities. 

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