Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Analyzing Purpose

In this blog post I will be answering the four questions below in regard to purpose. The questions will be answered in reference to my project three.

Screenshot of Writing Public Lives page 326.
Screenshot from Sean Bottai's website, Taken in October 28th, 2015

1. The goal of my public argument is very straight forward, I would like to see computer science become one of public educations main(or at least more main) focuses. I want the readers to try and look at what skills are formed from learning computer science rather than the actual learning of computer science. As a result of my argument I would love to see things get done to start teaching/placing more of an emphasis on computer science in education. Clearly, it will take time but to see some of the necessary steps being taken would be a start. 


Plausible Actions/Reactions
Not Plausible
  • ·         Discussions in schools about computer science
  • ·         Importance of computer science is discussed
  • ·         Studies are done to see what skills computer science creates
  • ·         Some schools place more importance on computer science
  • ·         Baby steps – trial computer science classes
  • ·         Legislative bodies discuss implementing more computer science classes

  • ·         Implement computer science in all schools
  • ·         Make computer science the number one focus in all high schools
  • ·         Every student sprouts immense interest in computer science
  • ·         Every student becomes a programmer
  • ·         Computer science is more recognized naturally
  • ·         Computer science is a mandatory course/credit

3    3. Discussions in schools about computer science -> people start talking -> raises awareness on the issue -> more people feel that computer science should be taught in school -> people pressure schools into changes -> computer science becomes more important in school -> schools find it to be effective -> schools make computer science a main focus. 
s    4.The audience that I really need to reach is the parents of the children on the schools that are in question in regards to implementing computer science. If I can sway the parents in favor of my side, they will fight strongly for that side because they want what is best(or what they view as best) for their children. A parent is very concerned with their child's education. If they believe that by teaching computer science in schools their kid will gain invaluable problem solving skills that helps them in all areas of study, they will fight for that side. The only catch is convincing the parents that my side is the right side. The parents would try to get legislators and the school to implement computer science if they feel that it is needed in schools. If enough parents were to do this is could actually lead to changes being made. This is why parents are the audience that are the most important to target in regards to my argument. 

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