Friday, October 23, 2015

Audience and Genre

In this blog post I will be exploring the types of audiences that I am trying to reach with my paper.I will also be looking into what publication platforms and genres would be the most practical with my topic and audience.

thinkmedialabs, "Audience" taken on September 24th, 2011 via Flickr Attribution Generic 2.0

1. The primary audience that I need to address is the parents of the children. The children are merely subjected to the decisions made in regards to whether computer science should be taught or not. Even though the children are the subjects of the topic they have little to no say about whether computer science should be taught or not. A lot of the time, both sides try to appeal to the parents as they have a lot of say about what goes on in the schools that their children attend. The publication platforms could be a weekly school news letter or a schools website. The genres are computer science and education. Links to these can be seen here, here, here, and here.

2. Another audience that I will be specifically targeting is the government officials who make the decision to either implement or not implement computer science. The idea is that if the government officials will either be swayed by an argument such as mine and will then feel it is a good idea to implement computer science in schools. That is why it is necessary to target these government officials as a primary audience. The publication platforms to this would be a major news source and a newspaper. This is because it will be put out to the public and if the public is in support of the argument they will call for action from the government. The genre of this would be government action and the public calling for reform. The other genre would once again be computer science as the argument is based heavily off of factual evidence. Links to these can be seen here, here, here, and here.

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