Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Questions About Controversy

For project three I will be focusing on the same topic of that in project two. I will be making the topic bigger to the topic of computer science in the education system. 

Lisa L Wiedmeier, "Puppy", taken on November 6th, 2012 via Flickr Attribution Generic 2.0

5 questions to identify who is involved:
  • Who wants computer science in schools?
  • Who does not want computer science in schools?
  • Who would fund computer science in schools?
  • Who would teach computer science in schools?
  • Who would be learning the computer science in schools?
5 questions to learn about what is up for debate:
  • What is being fought for on both sides of the controversies
  • Why do people feel the way they do on each side?
  • Does each side have evidence to back up their claims?
  • Does teaching computer science take importance off of other subjects?
  • Why is there a lack of computer science education in schools?
5 questions to learn about when the debate unfolded:
  • When was the idea of teaching computer science in schools formed?
  • When did computer science as a job begin?
  • When were computers available to the general public?
  • When was coding let out for the general public to experiment with?
  • At what age(average) do kids have a growing interest in computer science?
5 questions to learn about where the debate unfolded:
  • Where were computers formed?
  • Where is coding and computer science very prominent/located?
  • Which schools can afford to provide courses on computer science?
  • Are there geographic relations to who is for and against computer science in schools?
  • Are certain states more involved in the sphere of computer science?
5 questions to learn about how the debate unfolded in the media:
  • Are there interviews debate regarding this topic?
  • Are there any scholarly articles regarding this debate?
  • Which groups of people advocate for what side of the debate?
  • Is this debate heavily discussed on social media?
  • Which organizations cover this topic/debate?

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