Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Practicing Summary & Paraphrase

In this blog post I will be choosing a quote from "Should we teach computer science in elementary school?". I will then write a summary of the quote and I will also paraphrase the quote. By doing this I will gain valuable skills in regards to paraphrasing and summarizing that will help me in creating my project 2. 

Original source:
"The most important part of the K-5 CS experience is its ability to encourage and support creative expression and problem solving. As Seymour Papert said more than 30 years ago, CS is about giving kids the opportunity to engage with powerful ideas. The computer just happens to be our era’s best and most accessible tool for this purpose. Coding puzzles, tutorial progressions and unplugged activities (learning computing concepts without a computer) are all onramps to a world where students can be passionate and powerful enough to express their imaginations. Creativity, collaboration, persistence and abstraction are all thinking skills that coding builds."

My paraphrase of the original source: 
Pat Yongpradit believes the most important factor of computer science in elementary schools is how it builds a foundation for creativity and problem solving skills. Even as Seymour Papert said over thirty years ago, computer science gives children an avenue to work with higher-level ideas. The computer serves as this avenue because it is the most utilizable and capable tool of this generation. Coding, games, hardware, and computer development are all concepts provided by a computer that allow children to explore their imagination and express what they find. Learning to work together, be unique and creative, work diligently, and think differently but efficiently are all things that are built from computer science and what it provides. 

My summary of the original source:  
Pat yongpradit believes that by teaching computer science to elementary students, they will learn how to become problem solvers, abstract thinkers, and express their imagination through utilizing the tool know as the computer and by accessing all of it's capabilities. 

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