Saturday, September 26, 2015

Developing a Research Question.

In this post I will be providing several research topics in my field and I will give a short explanation on why I might enjoy finding the answers to these questions.

Sean "Computers" February 13th, 2008 via Flickr  Attribution Generic 2.0

  • Should we teach computer science in elementary school?
Computer education in schools is very important, but the question to be asking is when that education should begin? Computer science education would be expensive and would be new to elementary teachers but would it be beneficial to have in elementary schools?

  • Is computer science a science?
This is very interesting to me, I would enjoy investigating this and finding out if computer science is actually a science.

  • Why is computer science lacking women and racial diversity?
This is similar to what I already researched in my QRG. I would be able to expand how off of what I already touched on in my QRG.

  • Are we taking it "too far" in computer science?
Are we taking it too far in computer science? Do we have inventions that are too smart? Have we surpassed what we needed out of computer science? An example would be the pointless time consuming social media that the youth use. Also artificial intelligence can be questioned if it is too smart of technology.


  1. I hope I'm not posting multiple times. My phone app isn't working right. Anyway. Interesting questions. Many relevant to classes I'm taking at Georgia Tech. Would love to discuss with you sometime.

    1. By the way not sure why it picked up this profile but this is Aunt Cherrie...
