Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Analyzing My Text's Cultural Setting

Below I will be answering the quetions listed in the image in regards to "yes" section of the article "Should we teach computer science in elementary school?"  by Pat Yongpradit

Screenshot of questions from Writing Public Lives page 79.
Bottai, Sean "Photo from Sean Bottai's website", September 30th, 2015

The text was published on 11/14/2014 on The article was not written on any specific event, but more so on the idea of teaching computer science in elementary school. The values of not introducing children to attention adsorbing technology is in play for the "no" side of the argument. There is a general understanding that parents try not to introduce their children to technology until necessary because they don't want them to become too involved in it. 

The text indirectly addresses these issues. It raises the point that the computer is the most advanced tool to make students proactive learners. On computers students can learn problem solving though computer science. By learning how to solve problems they become proactive learners and will perform better in all aspects of their education. 

The relationship of the text to the values is progressive. The "old fashion" way would to be to not teach computer science in elementary school because it is not the "normal". The author approaches it in a very logistic manner. The author analyzes the pros and understands that having computer science will make children better learners for their futures. 

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