Saturday, September 5, 2015

Annotated Bibliography in IEEE Style

Annotated Bibliography in IEEE Style

[1]Barr, Valerie. "Much ado about salary: Grace Hopper and Satya Nadella." ACM SIGCAS Computers and Society 44, no. 4 (2014): 13-14.

Abstract: The article, "Much ado about salary: Grace Hopper and Satya Nadella" by Valerie Barr seeks to explore the effects of Satya Nadella's comments at the Grace Hopper Convention. The audience of this article is those who are in the computer science field and understand how computer science lacks diversity, especially women. The methods used involved including statistics to show in a numerical manner how the computer science field lacks women workers. The key findings of this article is that women are beginning to receive more recognition and representation in computer science. Another finding of this article is that the necessity of women in computer science is a real thing because women excel in this field. I plan to use this article to demonstrate how women are a minority in the computer science field, yet they are a very valuable necessity due to their skill in this field. 

[2]C. Cain Miller, 'Satya Nadella’s Advice on Raises Stirs Wider Discussion Among Women',, 2014. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 09- Sep- 2015].

Abstract: The purpose of this article is to show the reader how women responded to the comments that Satya Nadella made regarding women asking for a raise. Women did the opposite and started to ask for raises and defy what Nadella said in his comments. The method used is to ask women about how they felt about the comments and what they did following the comments. The answer was typically ask for a raise or work harder so they are respected equally. The major finding of the article was that women will not take the advice of Nadella, they will ask for raises and demand equal treatment. I will use this article to show how the comments Nadella made truly effected women in their work field. I will demonstrate how his comments had an opposite reaction of what he said in his comments. 
[3]C. O'Donovan, 'The 21st Century Has Really Not Been Great For Women And Minorities In STEM', BuzzFeed, 2015. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 05- Sep- 2015]

Abstract: This article was linked in to one of the tweets I analyzed for social media sources. I decided to analyze the article linked to the tweet because it has more depth than the tweet. The purpose of the online article, "The 21st Century Has Really Not Been Great For Women And Minorities In STEM" is to illustrate that computer science is a field of work that lacks diversity, and that this trend starts in high school. It seeks to explain why there is a divide between white males and everyone else starting in high school in regards to computer science. The audience is for those who seek to learn more as to why the field of computer science lacks diversity. This article also uses the method of statistics to show the clear distinction of white males vs. everybody else in the field of computer science. The key finding of this article is that more attention needs to be diverted to students that are non-white males in high school in order to grow their interest in computer science. I will use this article to show where the idea of male supremacy sprouts from in computer science. I can use this article to explain why Nadella had the thought process he did when making his controversial comments. 

[4]Kick Jr, Russell C., and F. Stuart Wells. "Women in computer science." ACM SIGCSE Bulletin 25, no. 1 (1993): 203-207.

Abstract: The purpose of "Women in computer science." is to explore women in computer science. The scholarly source analyzes of women perform in computer science and the amount of women in computer science. It does not have a specific audience, it simply seeks to educate those who have a desire to learn about computer science and how it lacks a women working force. The main finding of the article was the capability of women working in computer science versus how many work in computer science. The article concludes that women do very well in computer science and perform well and that companies have a desire to hire women, yet the field is still majorly lacking female workers. I will use this source to examine how women are wanted, work hard and excel, yet still are not involved in the computer science field in heavy manner. 

[5]K. Rowe-Finkbeiner, 'Thank You, Mr. Satya Nadella, For Telling Us What You Really Think', The Huffington Post, 2015. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 09- Sep- 2015]. 

Abstract: The purpose of this article was to bring light to the wage gap issue in the United States through the comments of Satya Nadella. The author of the article feels very passionately about the subject and uses Nadella's comments to shed light on the age gap issue women face in America. The author used statistics to demonstrate in a monetary form how women make a large margin less than men do. Through the article, the author found that Nadella's comments are a good thing, he brought public attention to the issue of the wage gap. I will use this article to show the problems that Nadella's comments caused, I will also use it to show the general mindset of women in the workforce. His comments show what many people think, and that is that women are inferior. 

[6]L. Abernethy, 'Girls can fill 1,000 coding jobs, says Go Berserk creator -',, 2015. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 05- Sep- 2015]

Abstract: This source is also from a tweet that I analyzed earlier in this blog. I will analyze this article rather than the tweet because it has more depth. The purpose of this article is to explain that through studies is has been found that women pick up the skill of coding quicker that men. The article goes on to say if educated and given the opportunities at a young age, women would be able to have great career opportunities in the computer science field. The audience is for young women, if they read this article and decide to get involved with computer science it could be very beneficial for themselves. Through multiple studies it had been found that women were better and faster at coding. The article does not explain how the studies were done that concluded these results. The major finding was that women were significantly better at coding, and that it is strange because coding and computer science is heavily dominated by males. I will use this article to demonstrate the confusion of why there aren't more women in computer science since they are better at it than men. This confusion is expressed by Ian Simmons, the creator of Go Berserk which is a website that teaches children how to code. 

[7] reddit, 'I honestly believe that Satya Nadella said nothing wrong. • /r/FeMRADebates', 2014. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 09- Sep- 2015].

Abstract: The purpose of this article is to stand up for Satya Nadella and the comments that he made. The author believes that he did nothing wrong and goes on to analyze the events to prove that he had done nothing wrong. The methods used to do this were providing sub-headings of main points, and digging deeper showing why Nadella as justified in what he said. The findings of this article were that Nadella did't actually do anything wrong. He simply said that one should not ask for a raise, this is also considering that Microsoft has a strict policy written out regarding raises as well. I will use this article as a different perspective. Up until now I have found articles opposing the comments Nadella made, I now will be able to use this article as a "devil's advocate". 

[8]S. Raphelson, 'Microsoft CEO Nadella's Remarks Add To Tech's Sexism Problem',, 2014. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 09- Sep- 2015].

Abstract: This article's purpose is to describe how Satya Nadella's comments are part of the bigger problem of the involvement of women in the computer science industry. Nadella's comments bring attention to a big problem, the tech worlds sexism. A method used is utilizing statistics to give a numerical value to show the under representation of women in the tech field. The findings of this article is that since there are fewer women than men in computer science, they don't have equal treatment or pay. I will use this article to relate Nadella's comments to the bigger problem of women being treated unfairly in the tech field.

[9] the Guardian, 'Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella: women, don't ask for a raise', 2014. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 05- Sep- 2015]

Abstract: The purpose of this article is to simply explain the events that took place. The events leading up to the controversy and the controversy itself are explained in this article. The primary audience is anyone who may have heard about the events that took place and wanted to research more to obtain a more detailed explanation of the events that happened. The major observations of this article were that Nadella made comments that were controversial and offensive to women. The way I would be utilizing this article it to reference back to it for basic understanding of the events that happened. I would be using this source when summarizing the events that took place. 

[10]T. Soper, 'Women coders respond to Microsoft CEO's controversial comments on asking for a raise - GeekWire', GeekWire, 2014. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 05- Sep- 2015]

Abstract: The purpose of this article released by the Guardian is to explain the events that occurred involving Satya Nadella at the Grace Hopper Convention and to show the reaction women coders had to Nadella's comments. The article seeks to appeal to the emotions of the readers by interviewing women who experience the mistreatment of women in the computer science field. The audience is for those who seek to understand the events that occurred and who want to understand the position of a woman in the computer science field. The major takeaways that a reader experiences after reading this article is understanding. The reader now understands what a women in the computer science field has to go through and the challenges they face. The reader also feels sympathetic as this article plays on the emotions of the reader by interviewing actual women coders and showing the difficulties they face. I would use this source to show the personal side of the conflict. I would utilize the interviews to show a perspective of women that are actually in the middle of the controversy and understand and can relate to what the topic of the controversy is. It would allow me to diversify my essay and utilize several perspectives of several women coders.

An example of an IEEE Annotated Bibliography

After looking at other classmate's examples, specifically Lia's and Aaron's blogs I see that I have a similar annotated bibliography to Lia and Aaron. Aaron actually used the same format as I did. We had everything the same except for how I added "Abstract:" before my annotations. I will be looking into whether this is a mandatory aspect of an IEEE or if it is a preference. Lia and I both wrote long annotations(maybe too long) for our bibliography. Her CSE style is similar to the IEEE style. I definitely will be writing shorter, but more concise annotations moving forward.


  1. Hmm, I'm doing an IEEE annotated bibliography as well, but it looks like we found two different conventions. Yours has "Abstract:" before your annotation, but the one I found simply has a small summary - but is otherwise identical to a standard IEEE bibliography. Looks like I'm off to do a bit more research...

  2. I like the way this style includes a URL too, that makes it way easier for readers (if you were to include these citations in your paper) to find these sources. It is similar to MLA in that you also have to include the author's name and the title of the work, which is nice to include anyways for more information. Overall, really good job. The annotations may be a bit longer but that may help you later when trying to find specific information.
