Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Cluster of My Controversy

The cluster I made for my controversy started off with women in computer science in the center. From there I analyzed Satya Nadella's comments and the effect that they had on one side. On the other side of my cluster I analyzed women in computer science, the pay gap, and where the divide between women and men in computer science occur.

Click here to visit my Cluster

Reflection: Grace had a very similar cluster to me. We both had very structured, organized clusters. By utilizing colors and very distinct lines the viewer is able to tell the separation of the categories. We both also used longer sentences in our cluster. Olivia had a slightly different cluster, she had a similar cluster in regards to using different lines and colors to make a distinction between different categories. She also wrote less rather than more, this might be a better approach because it is easier on the reader. Her cluster was more scattered than mine, it just seems as if it is a preference thing when it comes to the organization of the cluster.


  1. Hi Hunter! Your cluster is very well put together and organized! I like how you used detailed facts instead of just short phrases. The color coding is also really easy to follow.

  2. I really like that your cluster map is easy to follow and the phrases are short and concise but still get the point across of what you are trying to say. I actually really enjoyed making the clusters with Coggle...I don't know why.

  3. You're cluster is super easy to follow and it is very clear how the information is organized. The color coding really helped, and I actually might go back and change mine after seeing how well yours worked with the different colors. I also used Coggle, and I liked how you used the white space to make it easier to read like I tried to do.

  4. It's pretty strange how our clusters look really similar to each others... Oh well.That aside, I liked how your clusters went from general ideas to specific points of evidence for each of the positions. Well done.
