Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Cultural Analysis of "Should we teach computer science in elementary school?"

Below I will be analyzing the "yes" section of "Should we teach computer science in elementary school?"  by Pat Yongpradit. I will be utilizing chapter four from Writing Public Lives to find cultural keywords and to analyze how they contribute to the thesis.

Dedra Wolff  "Looking at Ogeorge's blog" taken on January 27th, 2006 via Flickr Attribution 2.0 Generic

Cultural words I found while reading the article were "digital era" and "proactive learner". These words are very powerful when put in the context of the article. The "digital era" is used to demonstrate how the era we are living in is heavily based off of technology and how this plays into the fact that computer science should be taught in schools. Similarly, "proactive learner" is used to show the effects that students will encapsulate if computer science is taught in schools.

The thesis is clearly that computer science should be taught in schools. The author is debating this point and using the cultural words to help add to his argument.

The keywords are used to add emphasis to his point. In the case of "digital era", it places the question of if schools should teach computer science into context. Being that we live in the digital era, it makes sense for computer science to be taught in elementary school. With "proactive learner", it shows the benefits of computer science. By learning computer science, students will learn problem solving skills and grow into proactive learners.

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