Monday, November 2, 2015

Analyzing My Genre

In this blog post I will be answering questions regarding my genre, by answering these questions I will be analyzing my genre. I have also linked five examples(of the same topic) to the genre type that I will be using.

Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4
Example 5
Screenshot of WPL 342
Social Context: 
  • The genre is typically set in a presentation setting. It is typically in schools and students use power points to present to the classes. It is easily used for a presentation because it is made as a presentation platform. 
  • The subject of the genre will be the computer science. I would also say the subject is public presentation. 
  • Many presenters use this platform because it can be visually appealing and presented to a large group of people. It can provide slides that display talking points and the speaker uses the slides to aid him in his presentation. 
  • As stated earlier, it is used for a presenter to present information to a group of people. It can be used to simplify an idea or to simply aid a presenter when they are presenting information.
Rhetorical Patterns of the Genre: 
  • The type of content that is usually included is shorter, efficient information. An example of this is images that provide statistics or statistics themselves. Also short quotes are usually good also. It is important to not place too much on a slide or it is overwhelming. 
  • The use of rhetorical appeals is dependent on the topic. The genre is simply a platform to present information. In this situation, pathos will be used along with ethos and logos. Pathos is most applicable to my topic. 
  • In the examples they all start with a title page that eventually leads to the main idea of the presentation. They also include images and short bulleted points. They all also conclude their presentation in one manner or another. 
  • The use of claims is very common. Since these are used in presentations the statements are typically used as talking points that the presenter will go on to elaborate on. 
  • The language used is semi informal. Since they are short discussable claims they are not super hard statements to comprehend. The jargon used depends on the creator of the presentation and the topic of the presentation. 
Analyzing What those Patterns Reveal about the Social Context of the Genre:
  • The genre includes the audience and the presenter. This genre does not include the idea of an author who writes a whole essay. It rather includes a person who creates the presentation.
  • For readers or viewers this genre requires them to be attentive and try to be comprehensive. For the writer it requires the writer to be as effective and informative as possible in as little words as possible. 
  • The assumption that the user is trying to get information conveyed to a large crowd along  with that the person using the genre is a good or efficient presenter. 
  • This content treats facts and statistics as most valuable because they are the most effective use of statements in the little space provided in the slides. Long quotes are less valuable because a viewer will most likely not take the time to read it all when the slide is being presented. 
Reflection: I read the blog posts of Olivia and Grace. They both have very interesting genres in regard to their project threes. Olivia is doing a cooking video and seems to have a good grasp on the aspects of the genre and how she will implement them in her project. The same goes for Grace, she is creating a blog post.....something we are very familiar with. We all seem to have a good idea on how we will create our genres and how we will be effective with it. 


  1. Hi Hunter! I like that you picked power point as your genre, because I think it is appropriate for a science topic. I think that power point will make your project very clear, and there will not be any confusion experienced by your reader.

  2. I think the power point is good for your topic as well, that's how we were all basically taught things so you won't have to worry about being unclear by being too wordy. It seems like you know a lot about your genre, good luck writing!
