Sunday, November 22, 2015

Reflection on Project 3

In this blog post I will be answering the reflection questions on page 520 of Writing Public Lives. 

Daniel Stockman, "Corgi Puppies", taken on May 28th, 2011 via Flickr Attribution-ShareALike 2.0 Generic License.

  1. What was changed from the first draft to the final was the platform, I switched from power-point to a prezi. I also added a voice over to it to make it more like a presentation. 
  2. I did not change my thesis/organization too much as I felt that it was created effectively the first time around. I made the prezi very organized, moving from one idea to the next. 
  3. Audience had a lot to do with the structure and organization of my prezi. I wanted to make it clear what the argument was first before introducing the counter arguments. I also emphasized on addressing what computer science is first. 
  4. I feel that it strengthens my credibility. I am making an effort to make sure the whole topic, pros and cons are all laid out there for the audience to see. I am not holding back and i'm confident in my argument so it makes me more credible. 
  5. These changes will make it so the audience has a full grasp on the topic and in turn will side with my argument. The venue is perfect for a prezi because it is simple and an interesting presentation. 
  6. I made sure to not put too much words or sentences on any one slide. I did not want any slide to be overwhelming to the audience so they were more of talking points. 
  7. By understanding the whole topic and not this my side, the audience will understand what my purpose in my argument is. If they understand all the aspects of the topic then they will understand where i'm coming from and it will be more clear to them. 
  8. The only conventions that I had to consider was the limited text space on the slides so it was not overwhelming. I also had to put the voice-over on the presentation in order to make it effective with the talking points. 
  9. Through reflecting I realized as a writer I can adapt to any genre with not much difficultly. This presentation was difficult to make but I feel like it achieves it's purpose and is effective. I feel pretty confident and proud of this project. 

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