Thursday, November 5, 2015

Considering Visual Elements

In thus blog post I will be answering six questions from Writing Public Lives regarding the visual aspect of my project.

QThomas Bower, Visuals, taken on March 16th, 2008 via Flickr Attribution Generic 2.0

  • What color choices best reflect the visual-rhetorical tone of my project? 
For my PowerPoint presentation I feel that colors such as blue, silver, and black will be most effective for the colors. These colors can contrast one another so the presentation will pop and they have a slick and clean look to them. They also can be associated with computers which is the topic of my presentation. 

  • If my project is going to be displayed, are the fonts large enough to be read at the distance from which it will be viewed?
Since the genre I will be using is meant for presentations, I will need to ensure that the font size is large enough to be read in a presentation. Even though I will not be presenting this and simply turning it in, I have to make sure it could be presented if necessary. I have no clue what amount of people this could be presented to so it is important to make the font big enough for a large group. 

  • If my project uses headings for different sections of my argument, do these headings stand out and break up the text clearly? Should another font or font color be used to make them more distinct?
With PowerPoints there is a heading section. This will allow me to clearly lay out what the heading is as it distinctly stands out on it's own. I can also possible change the font or color to make the heading more clear. The headings will effectively break up the different parts of the project. 

  • If you are writing a multi-modal argument, do the visual images help you move from point to point in the argument clearly?
The visual images will help me conclude an idea that I have established. I will use them to show statistics or simply to appeal to the audience's visual wanting. They will help prove my argument as well. 

  • If you are calling your audience to take specific action, is this called specifically developed? Do they know what action they take or what steps they can take?
In my presentation I will conclude with ways for the audience to help achieve the goal that I have been striding for. I will have a slide telling the audience what they can do to help. 

  • Do the different visual and textual elements come together persuasively as a whole, or are there elements that seem disconnected or out of place?
I plan to use whatever visual and textual elements I have in the most effective and persuasive manner I can. If something feels disconnected or out of place then I will move it until it is in place and is working effectively. 


  1. It sounds like you have a great idea of what your project will look like. Your project is much more image based than mine, so its good that your understanding of how these elements will be presented is great. I look forward to seeing how your project comes along!

  2. I think that you have a really good idea of what you want your project to look like and reading the answers to the questions I think your project is going to turn out really well. I think that it is interesting how visual your project is going to be and I think that it's going to be killer.
