Monday, November 30, 2015

Revisiting My Writing Process

In this blog post I will be revisiting the first two blog posts that I made in this course. I will reflect on them, seeing how I have changed as a writer and how my time management has changed. I will also be looking forward to the future.

Dean Shareski, "Mirrors" taken on August 3rd, 2009 via Flickr Attribution Generic 2.0

My Writing Process:
At the beginning of the semester I considered myself a heavy planner with a dash of heavy reviser. I think I have become a better balance between the two. I have learned to take some of the time I would use on planning and use it to revise. I plan slightly less and revise more. This course has taught me to simply "crank" out pieces of writing due to it's heavy workload so I have learned to create a rough draft that can simply be crafted into a final draft. Looking forward, this class has taught me to work diligently and stay on top of my work. I think I have learned to edit and revise much better. I have also learned to understand a grading rubric better and learned how to create a piece of writing based off of a rubric. For the future and rest of my college schooling I think that his class has taught me to write in different genres. It has made me a more diverse writer and more efficient writer. I will continue to be a nice blend of heavy planner and heavy reviser. Depending on the genre I will be able to lean more to one side if that is what will work better for that genre.

Calendar reflection:
Looking back on my calendar reflection was amusing because it is funny how much I thought i'd be able to do. I actually have done a decent job balancing everything I feel like. I was correct about choosing between hanging with friends and going to the recreation center. I seem to have more free time than I did in high school but I also seem to have more stuff to fill it with. I think this course has taught me to not procrastinate because if you do it leads to the worst weekend of your life. I have done everything I have sought to do in college so far and I feel like I have managed my time well. Moving forward, I would like to go to the rec more. I tend to nap a lot so maybe I will cut back on that and go to the rec instead. I believe this course has shown me that I will keep working hard. I survived this class when at time I thought I would not and I am proud of that.

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