Sunday, November 15, 2015

Reflection on Project 3 Draft

For the peer reviewing I peer reviewed the drafts of Gabee and Joy. 
Their peer review sheets can be found through the links below
Gabee's peer review
Joy's peer review

I will now be answering the provided questions regarding reflecting over my project three draft. 

1. Who reviewed your Project 3 rough draft?

No one has peer reviewed my draft. I would wait and see until later if someone reviewed it but I have to finish this deadline before right now since I have work until midnight. 

2. What did you think and/or feel about the feedback you received? Be explicit and clear. 

Tell me what helped or what confused you about the feedback you got.

No feedback was given from peer reviews but my conference with Professor Bottai was helpful. He suggested to use more evidence if I make bold claims. He also suggested to do a voice over. He also suggested to show the counter arguments in the beginning to make it seem as if I am arguing against something. 

3. What aspects of Project 3 need to most work going forward [Audience, Purpose, 
Argumentation, or Genre]? How do you plan on addressing these areas? 

I will need to move a counter argument to the start of the presentation and I will need to make my claims either less bold or provide evidence to back them up. 

4. How are you feeling overall about the direction of your project after peer review and/or instructor conferences this week?

I really like my presentation and like what I have going with it. It is effective and is visually appealing. I think it gets my argument across and is effective. What I need to do is simply finesse it. 

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