Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Project 3 Outline

In this blog post I will be creating an outline for my project three.

Introduction: For my introduction, the Connect the Issue to Your Audience's World View will be the most efficient type of introduction for my piece of work. My project is already very directed and created to appeal to the audience. This type of introduction falls in line with it because it helps me appeal to the audience even more so. If I can connect the issue to my audience's personal views on the world(values, ideals, politics) I will be able to sway their opinion on the issue. I have to help make them understand that by teaching computer science will help further an individuals education and with am more educated world comes a better world.


-Major Supporting Arguments: Computer science teaches problem solving skills, furthers education, teaches students how to learn better in other classes, good computer science jobs, lucrative field, interactive and fun, creates diversity in computer science field if it is taught in schools.

-Major Criticisms: Too much workload for students, cannot add another main topic in schools, not enough funding, not every kid is interested in computer science, too early on to teach complex ideas such as computer science.

-Key Support and Rebuttal: I will use all the supporting points at some point in my argument as they only strengthen the effectiveness of my argument. The rebuttal points that are most important for me to address are funding and too much of a workload.

-Topic Sentence/Evidence:
By teaching computer science in schools, students will be setting themselves up for the future, will learn to work with computers and technology, and will be learning invaluable skills that will help them succeed in their other classes. They will not have too much of a workload because by learning computer science they will only be making their other classes easier for themselves.
-These sources provide me with information and why schools don't teach computer science and why we should.

The cost of teaching computer science and adding another core topic in education is well worth the work for the students. They will gain invaluable skills that will help them achieve a greater education by learning computer science.
-These sources provide me with information and why schools don't teach computer science and why we should.

-Map of My Argument
To visit my Coggle click here!

The conclusion I will use is the Call to Action conclusion. I want my readers to try and help get computer science more attention in the schooling system. They will see what teaching computer science can do for their children's education and they will then go and try to get computer science implemented in their child's school.

Reflection: I read the blog posts of Joki and Jon. Jon seemed to have a very good grasp on what he needed to do in terms of visuals to make his genre and project more effective. He knew that he needed images that would only help his genre become more effective. Joki on the other hand has a very unique genre(letter) that doesn't necessarily include visuals. She still may be adding images but Joki definitely has a harder task when it comes to visuals in her genre. After reading these two I realized like my classmates, I also have a very good grasp on what my visuals should be to help further the quality of my project three.


  1. Hi Hunter. I think that your coggle is really helpful in showing what you're going to create for your third project. I think that your approach will be helpful if you were to try to get computer science in school.

  2. Your outline looks really solid and you have good points that you'll be bringing up. I have to wonder how in depth you will be going into the rebuttal points? I'm sure you'll figure it out though, nice work.
