Friday, August 28, 2015

My Controversy


     The controversy of Marijuana has been well discussed for an extensive period of time now. This article focuses on whether Marijuana is capable of being used for medical purposes. It addresses the claims that Marijuana might be an addictive drug, or that it is a gate way drug. It explains Marijuana's current status in the United States and the role Marijuana has played in other cultures and times throughout history. 

     I found this article interesting, it was most definitely written by someone who is a supporter of medical marijuana. This is evident because the article is written in a manner that the author is proving all the claims of how marijuana is bad as wrong. The author starts with a claim, say "Marijuana is a gate way drug" and then would go on to say the statement is incorrect and explain how. 

     This article is of interest to me because the way marijuana is perceived in the United States and all around the world seems to be changing. It is widely accepted as a form of medicating. It is now even becoming excepted as a legal, recreational drug. This is seen in Washington and Colorado. To learn more about Marijuana and it's medical benefits visit Cannabis: A World of Controversy

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