Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Calendar Reflection

Welp, I understand why people say "College is soooo stressful". I can definitely see where they are coming from after making this calendar. I know I'll manage everything(because I kinda sorta have to) but it will be very difficult. I think I might have to cut out more social activities than I thought. I had planned on hanging out with friends often AND going to the Rec center. I think I will have to end up picking between those some days. I also think I will multi task and eat lunch WHILE(I know, it's insane) I do my homework and finish my homework in the afternoon so I can do what I want to do at night. It will be a challenge but I know i'll be able to juggling everything.

After reading my peers blogs I don't feel so lonely about my situation anymore. I think most students face the same dilemma about juggling school with fitness, health, social life, jobs, and clubs. I think it's also important for all students to understand why they are paying so much to come to school, it's to graduate. It's important to not lose focus of the main goal, and that goal is to finish school. There will be time for all the other things you want to do, all students just have to make sure school is the number one priority. Through this assignment it also helped me realize that a lot of the homework is very independent and all the responsibility falls on the student to make sure the work gets done.
Lia's blog
Grace's blog


  1. Hi Hunter,
    I agree that there is going to be a lot going on. I can relate to trying to find time for everything being a student and having a part time job. Making everything work IS the only option, but make sure that you're always making time to have fun and enjoy life!

  2. I definitely agree that we are going to be so busy we have no idea where we're supposed to fit things in. It's important for me too to get everything done and go to the rec center and hang out with friends and I guess that we all have to find enough hours in the day to do everything that we need to.

  3. Did your schedule plan out as you thought it would? I know I made a set schedule at the beginning of the semester and I know mine totally didn't happen as I thought. Did you ever have to pick between friends and the rec as you thought? What were other things that made their way into your schedule that you didn't plan for?
