Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Reflection on Open Letter Draft

In this post I will be reflecting over the peer reviewing process for our last assignment. I will be reflecting over the comments I received.

I peer reviewed the drafts of Chris and Olivia

Toshihiro Gama, "Red Panda", taken on June 5th, 2013 via Flickr Attribution Generic 2.0

  • The most powerful part of my letter is my organization. It is clear in what it is talking about and is structured very neatly. This is where my semi-formal letter is excelling because it gets the necessary points across. 
  • What I need to add is evidence form my blog posts. My letter is lacking evidence and for that it weakens the overall strength of the letter. 
  • No cliches are used in the letter. The only cliche that can be said was used was that every student dislikes taking English courses. This is because I had written in my letter that I disliked English and writing. 
  • In my letter everything seems to fit. The only thing that may not fit is the talk about genre. It seems a little bit forced but it is asked about in the assignment description so it was covered. It seems a little bit out of place when reading over the whole letter but it needs to be addressed. 
  • Nothing in the letter is concealed, everything listed in the assignment is covered. 

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