Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Reflection on Open Letter Draft

In this post I will be reflecting over the peer reviewing process for our last assignment. I will be reflecting over the comments I received.

I peer reviewed the drafts of Chris and Olivia

Toshihiro Gama, "Red Panda", taken on June 5th, 2013 via Flickr Attribution Generic 2.0

  • The most powerful part of my letter is my organization. It is clear in what it is talking about and is structured very neatly. This is where my semi-formal letter is excelling because it gets the necessary points across. 
  • What I need to add is evidence form my blog posts. My letter is lacking evidence and for that it weakens the overall strength of the letter. 
  • No cliches are used in the letter. The only cliche that can be said was used was that every student dislikes taking English courses. This is because I had written in my letter that I disliked English and writing. 
  • In my letter everything seems to fit. The only thing that may not fit is the talk about genre. It seems a little bit forced but it is asked about in the assignment description so it was covered. It seems a little bit out of place when reading over the whole letter but it needs to be addressed. 
  • Nothing in the letter is concealed, everything listed in the assignment is covered. 

Friday, December 4, 2015

Draft of Open Letter

In this blog post I will be posting the rough draft of my semi-formal letter!

When peer reviewing my draft, I would like for the reviewer give me ideas of where I can include hyperlinks to blog posts and such. I did not include any yet because I was unsure of when it would be a good idea to add "evidence" in the letter. I would also ask to make sure that the reviewer checks to make sure I hit on all the required topics/questions on the rubric. Of course grammar and things like that would also be great! Be as harsh or as nice as you feel comfortable being!

HERE is the link to my rough draft!